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What is love? Haddaway wrote a song about it, and I don't think they ever came up with an answer.

Love is not just a feeling, but an action. You can love a dog, but the dog will never know if you do not pet him and talk to him. You may provide shelter and food and exercise, but if expression of emotion is missing, then the dog will not FEEL loved. This applies to humans as well. You can go to work and provide income for the family as a sign that you love them, but your family will not feel loved. Acts of service only goes so far. Love transpires through connection and connection is made through emotional expression.

Look at a baby. You can feed, clothe, and wash the baby, but if you do not smile, coo, or snuggle with her, she will become despondent. Think about this if you're having trouble in your relationships, and your partner says that you are spending too much time at work. To give life to a relationship, you need to be in the same room together making eye-contact and physical contact. Try doing so today in honor of Valentine's Day, and you don't even need a dinner reservation!

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